Self-Made Paradise

Competition Documentaries, Germany 2007, 84 Min., German subtitles

Self-Made Paradise

A road movie from the high North: German filmmaker Christoph Schuch has taken his red Ford Mustang for a ride through Lapland and Karelia, the East of Finland. The goal of his trip are five Finnish self-made artists – people who began making art without prior academic education. Without any income from any art market, they have created their own fascinating world, their own private paradise. One sculpts enigmatic objects from old trees, another builds fantastic automotive bodyworks out of scrap cars and motorcycles. They all live closely connected to nature. But regardless of whether they are pensioners, hepcats or shamans, whether they paint, sculpt or make photographs – all five of them are happy and non-conformist. They present their work and their life philosophies in a very pleasant manner. Christoph Schuch: “They are people who live differently to the majority of us; they do not spend their time chasing after money. Without pointing their finger they tell us about their lives, humbly and unexcitedly.”

Director Christoph Schuch

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