RepriseAuf Anfang

Special, Norway 2006, 103 Min., German subtitles


This enthralling debut film centres on the friends Erik and Phillip. Both have literary ambitions and indeed their manuscripts are printed. But while the more robust Erik must patiently wait for success, the more sensitive Phillip enjoys an immediate breakthrough. Which, however, does not become him well: following a mental breakdown he is put into psychiatric care. Upon his release he puts his efforts into reanimating the love of his ex-girlfriend Kari. Erik on the other hand is trying to distance himself from his girlfriend Lillian while hanging out with his old clique. But all of this is somewhat provisional – the dream they both share in real life is that of a writer’s career in Paris ... a fantasy of power! Joachim Trier presents a fireworks display of filmic means to depict the dreams and hopes of his generation. “Reprise” was the Norwegian cinema success of the year. After its participation at numerous international festivals and a successful release in many countries (including USA) it was awarded several Norwegian film prizes.

Director Joachim Trier

Screenplay Eskil Vogt, Joachim Trier

Cast Espen Klouman Høiner (Erik), Anders Danielsen Lie (Phillip), Christian Rubeck (Lars), Odd Magnus Williamson (Morten), Pål Stokka (Geir), Viktoria Winge (Kari), Silje Hagen (Lillian), Henrik Elvestad (Henning), Thorbjørn Harr (Mathis Wergeland), Sigmund Sæverud (Sten Egil Dahl), Elisabeth Sand (Hanne, Eriks Mutter), Tone Danielsen (Inger, Phillips Mutter)

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