Preußisch GangstarPrussian Gangstars

Filmforum Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 2007, 88 Min., English subtitles

Preußisch Gangstar

A feature film reminiscent of a documentary, about three adolescents attempting to enhance their trite lives in the idyllic Buckow with hip-hop music, parties, drugs and minor fights. Nico has dropped out of his apprenticeship and dreams of a career in hip-hop. Tino is struggling to make it through secondary modern school, so as not to disappoint his mother. Oli wants to open a club, but his girlfriend wants him to take her away from the provincial life. The three boys find support in their friendship; together they are “Prussian Gangstars”. Cast entirely with amateur actors and already presented with a number of awards, the film boasts a high level of authenticity. “We worked very closely together with the lead actors in developing the three main characters. The dialogues were improvised and then made increasingly precise. The locations are all places that the actors live in and around”, explain the filmmakers. “It was very important for us to give an honest, differentiated impression of adolescents and their needs, fears and longings.”

Director Irma-Kinga Stelmach, Bartosz Werner

Screenplay Irma-Kinga Stelmach, Bartosz Werner

Cast Mario Knofe (Oli), Benjamin Succow (Tino), Robert Ohde (Nico), Aline Staskowiak (Frau mit Kind), Anne Helm (Olis Freundin), Ulrike Hübschmann (Tinos Mutter), Lutz Blochberger (Tinos Vater), Eva Medusa Gühne (Olis Mutter), Ruth Reinecke (Lehrerin), Tom Jahn (Olis Boss)


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