Katze gut - 9 Wochen Kranumbau auf der Kieler Werft HDWCrane Allright - 9 Weeks Crane Rebuilding in the Dockyards of Kiel

Filmforum Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 2007, 75 Min.

Katze gut - 9 Wochen Kranumbau auf der Kieler Werft HDW

“Cat good!” says the carder. We are located at the largest wharf in Germany: the Howaldt-works at the fjord of Kiel. Breathtaking images submerge us into a totally unknown work reality: giant winches, vast, open ships’ hulls, enormous steel hawsers. And in the midst of it all stands a 110m-high portal frame that needs to be renovated and modernized within nine weeks while ship-constructions carry on. A race with time has begun. The dramaturgy follows the rhythm of the construction-work on the crane and the ‘heroes’’ breakfast- and lunch breaks. The viewer takes part in the close atmosphere of a team that works well together. Such an up-close view of the protagonists conveys the rough, solidary and at times amusing treatment of one another, but also the social and individual fragility. The ‘tough guys’ open up a bit and tell of their feelings and concerns.

Director Fredo Wulf

Screenplay Fredo Wulf

Website www.fredo-wulf.de

catalogue page PDF-Download


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