James Krüss oder Die Suche nach den glücklichen InselnJames Krüss or The Search for the Happy Islands

Filmforum Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 2007, 44, Dolby SR

James Krüss oder Die Suche nach den glücklichen Inseln

From the North Sea island of Heligoland to a world-famous, award-winning author: on occasion of the tenth anniversary of his passing away, this documentary film pays homage to the life and oeuvre of the writer James Krüss, whose childhood on the small, clearly structured island marked him for his entire life. His longing for outer and inner island states becomes clear once more in this film. After World War II his friendship with Erich Kästner brings him to Munich. In the early 60s he becomes very well known. But his medial prominence makes the homosexual writer open to attack. He flees from the narrow-mindedness of German morale and moves to Gran Canary with his partner Dario. We witness an author who is unusually open towards the media, whose work not only created islands of restfulness in increasingly hectic times, but who also issued warnings in his late work against the pressure to consume and against quiet obedience.

Director Martina Fluck

Screenplay Tatjana Maas

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