Auf dem Weg zu den Engeln - Das Kinderhospiz SternenbrückeOn the Way to the Angels

Filmforum Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 2006, 88, German version

Auf dem Weg zu den Engeln - Das Kinderhospiz Sternenbrücke

“There’s nothing we can do to help your child …” are often the last words spoken by orthodox medical practitioners on hospital hallways. About 22,000 children in Germany are terminally ill, 4600 pass away every year, but only seven hospices exist to take on the responsible task of accompanying families and children in such difficult times. Only as late as 1998 did the first children’s hospice open in Germany. Three years ago Sternenbrücke in Hamburg opened as the second institution of its nature and so far remains the only one in Northern Germany. Child-orientated care of dying children remains something of a stepchild of medicine, health care and politics. Over the course of half a year, the film documents the everyday life in a hospice and at home in the families, which astonishingly is not determined by death, but by the joy of life and by making life for both the children and their families as worthwhile as possible while it lasts. Director Holger Vogt succeeds in throwing a caring and sensitive glance into a place of loss, but also of humaneness and hope.

Director Holger Vogt

Screenplay Holger Vogt


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