Ninas resaNinas Reise / Nina’s Journey

Special, Sweden 2005, 125 Min.

Ninas resa

Lena Einhorn uses vintage film footage to tell the story of her Jewish mother. Or rather, she lets her tell her own story. The vintage footage is interspersed with dramatic reconstructions in which Nina Einhorn (1925 – 2002), who was later to work as a doctor in Sweden, sketches a deeply personal picture of Jewish life in Poland in the 1930s and 1940s. She looks back on her happy childhood in a sheltered middle-class family in Lodz, her time spent with relatives in New York, her first love there, her move to Warsaw and the forced resettlement of Polish Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, where 400,000 people were forced to live in appalling conditions. Thanks to the courage of her brother, she was one of the few survivors. With its rare vintage footage and sensitive reconstructions, this moving and authentic documentation of a remarkable woman’s life bears comparison with Roman Polanski’s “Pianist”.

Director Lena Einhorn

Screenplay Lena Einhorn, nach ihrem gleichnamigen Buch

Cast Agnieszka Grochowska, Maria Chwalibóg, Andrzej Brzeski, Pawel Iwanicki, Nina Einhorn

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