Journeyman – Die Bruce Özbek StoryJourneyman – The Bruce Özbek Story

Filmforum Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 2006, 60 Min., German version

Journeyman – Die Bruce Özbek Story

A journeyman doesn't live from fights alone. A bit of odd-jobbing and casual labour, a favour here and there in the ’hood, the occasional welfare benefits – and training in the evening. Almost all boxers come from disadvantaged social backgrounds. The hope of making fast money drives many of them to cling on to their pride and fight to the bitter end, even after repeated defeats. Bruce Özbek is one of them. His 19 world championship titles in kick-boxing have brought him no money. He dreams of earning enough with one last boxing championship to be able to market his CD “Sampion Kim” in Turkey. This documentary shows the life of a now seldom successful professional boxer at the end of his career. How can anyone live and fight in the knowledge that they will lose? The film gives an insight into the world of boxing, the red-light district in Hamburg, and the surprising links with Istanbul’s showbiz. A tale of true and false friends, self-delusion and the fragile hope of one day being a winner.

Director Dirk Rübesamen

Screenplay Dirk Rübesamen

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