LøvejagtenDie Löwenjagd / The Lion Hunt

Retrospective, Denmark 1908, 11 Min.

In the summer of 1907 Nordisk director Ole Olsen bought two lions from Hamburg dealer Carl Hagenbeck for 5,000 kroner each. They became the leading characters in what was at the time the production company’s most ambitious film ever. In the style of a journalistic report, “The Lion Hunt” tells of two big game hunters in the jungle – though it was actually filmed on the island of Elleore off the coast of Roskilde. Other scenes were filmed in a forest to the north of Copenhagen and in the zoo – with the camera tilted downwards so that the fences of the enclosures could not be seen. Since the lions were actually killed to make this film, animal rights protesters brought a lawsuit against Olsen, who managed to win the case. “The Lion Hunt” was a huge international success, partly due to the excitement surrounding the way it had been made. Even today, the infamous lion hunt on Elleore is regarded as one of the most important productions of Nordisk Films Kompagni and, in fact, of Danish film history.

Director Viggo Larsen

Screenplay Arnold Richard Nielsen

Cast Knud Lumbye (Erster Jäger), Viggo Larsen (Zweiter Jäger), William Thomsen (Diener)

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