Den brysomme mannenDer unbequeme Mann / The Bothersome Man

Competition Narrative Films, Norway 2006, 95 Min., German subtitles

Den brysomme mannen

What a peculiar world Andreas has landed in, without even knowing how it happened. A driver has picked him up in the wilderness and taken him to this strange place. He soon has a job, an apartment, even a woman. Everything would be just fine – were it not for these peculiarities. The food is oddly tasteless, and the people, though friendly enough, seem indifferent and lacking in emotion. Then, when Andreas loses a fingertip in an accident at work, it is back on his hand again next morning. In bright, clear images, director Jens Lien describes a surreal nightmare that leaves plenty of scope for interpretation. Whether this brave new world is a reference to the alienation of life in modern society or a portent of some terrible afterlife is irrelevant. “The Bothersome Man” is a compelling portrayal of a plausible parallel world. Andreas’ attempts to escape make for truly gripping cinema.

Director Jens Lien

Screenplay Per Schreiner, nach seinem Hörspiel

Cast Trond Fausa Aurvåg (Andreas), Petronella Barker (Anne-Britt), Per Schaanning (Hugo), Birgitte Larsen (Ingeborg), Johannes Joner (Håvard)

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