Young Nordic Filmmakers (YNFM)

YNFM 2017

The youth film project “Young Nordic Filmmakers” will take place for the fifth time during the Nordische Filmtage Lübeck. 14 young film makers will be shooting short documentaries during the festival week. They will furthermore learn about the fundamentals of film making before independently realising their own films from conception to finish.

The project is made possible with the support of the Schleswig-Holstein student union, the Schleswig-Holstein association of film and youth (LJF), the non-profit German Federation of Film Clubs for Children and Young People (BJF) and takes place in co-operation with the Danish film school for young people “Station Next”, and the Oulu International Children’s and Youth Film Festival (Finland).

Film presentation
Sun., Nov 4, 12 a.m. CineStar 1, free admission