Virtual Panorama - 360° cinema on the programme for the first time

Lübeck, Oct. 27, 2016. What is it like to be completely surrounded by sounds and images? Film and technology enthusiasts can find out for themselves, thanks to an impressive selection of films to be shown in 360° format in a  fulldome tent specially erected for the Nordic Film Days Lübeck and made possible by the Lübeck public utilities company. 360° cinema completely immerses the audience in the story, in an intense connection to virtual reality.

The 58th Nordic Film Days Lübeck presents a trend-setting new film format and a special selection of 360° films in six different programmes. This immersive medium used to be almost the sole province of astronomy depictions in planetariums. For the NFL, we have selected a series of non-astronomical productions that have links to the Nordic and Baltic countries, just like the festival. In “Night & Nature”, you can see not only a dancing spectacle of crabs in the short “Staccato at Night”, but also the Finnish fulldome production “The Secret World of Moths”, which literally immerses the audience in the magic world of moths. Imposing images of the natural landscape in the green glow of the aurora borealis are on display in "Life Under the Arctic Sky" directed by Robin Sip, with moving pictures providing a visualisation of old Sami culture. In the winter months, the Sami follow their reindeer herds through the snow and ice north of the Arctic Circle. Once a journey made with dog sleds and skis, the ‘boazovázzi’ (reindeer walkers) now use snowmobiles, four by fours and ships for the traditional migration of the reindeer across hundreds of kilometres.

In "Clockwork Ocean” in the series “Mare”, electrical impulses from aquatic creatures create large and small eddies in the ocean currents, moving rhythmically like the gears of a clockwork.  This 10-minute 360° film by the Ralph Heinsohn, curator of the fulldome section, provides not only a panorama experience, but makes the science real by mediatisation of the equipment and research. The Mare series also includes an international premiere – the Swedish film “Below the Surface”. The immersive (dive)cruise from space right to the bottom of the Baltic shows us not only the natural space, but also the way the sea has been shaped by people. Also part of the 360° series are tales of small and large “polar bears” (“Lars, the Little Polar Bear” and “Polaris”) in the children’s film programme in the fulldome, as well as screenings of “Februar” and “Kilpisjärvellä“ in the “Ice World” programme, with more images of snowy landscapes and northern lights.

The immersive experience at this year’s festival is made up of films that highlight the zeitgeist of moving pictures and experimental film formats.  Virtual reality is changing the way films are shot and how individuals consume them. And it is not only the fulldome cinema at the Altstadtbad Krähenteich that will offer vistas of virtual worlds, but also the virtual reality stations in the CineStar Filmpalast Stadthalle. A 360° environment in which audiences can look and move around. As one example, you can follow happy sheep as they wander along the steep cliffs and beautiful fjords of the Faroe Islands, lingering on moss-covered hills. “Sheepview 360°” makes it possible. The Arte production “Polar Sea 360°” takes audiences on a journey to the Arctic. Two additional documentaries afford a look at difficult lives of children. “Anami” (prod: Terre des Hommes) is the story of a Kenyan slave and in “Clouds over Sidra” (prod: WITH.IN), audiences get a glimpse of everyday life in a Jordanian refugee camp. The virtual reality headset gives the user an immersive film experience. The VR stations at the upcoming Film Days are an invitation to an up-close encounter with this new form of cinematic visuals.

Tickets for the fulldome cinema cost € 6.00, discounted  € 4.00.  

The complete schedule for the 58th Nordic Film Days Lübeck, with details of all films, times and events has been online since October 22, 2016. Advance ticket sales begin on October 29, 2015 at 3:00 pm in the CineStar Filmpalast Stadthalle, Mühlenbrücke 11 in Lübeck and online at and

Keep up to date on the latest festival news on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram /nordicfilmdays.

Press contact:

Silke Lehmann
Wiebke Reichenbach
Zara Zerbe
Press and publicity department
Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Schildstr. 12, 23539 Lübeck, Germany
Tel: +49 451 122 1455