Young Nordic Filmmakers

Four participants from each of four countries will work together for a week on their own documentary film projects. Under the guidance of filmmakers attending this year’s festival, they’ll have the opportunity to get a bit closer to realising their dreams of becoming filmmakers.

The YNFM from Norway, Finland, Denmark and Germany will shoot their own documentary film during the 57th Nordic Film Days Lübeck and make their first real contacts in the film industry.

Young Nordic Filmmakers 2015 is a project of the 57th Nordic Film Days Lübeck in cooperation with “Station Next,” the Danish film school for young people; the “Nordic Youth Film Festival – NUFF,” founded by the Youth Culture Centre VCIBIT in Tromsø (Norway); and the Finnish Oulu International Children’s and Youth Film Festivals. The project is made possible through the friendly assistance of the Schleswig-Holstein student union of Kiel University, and the federal association “Jugend und Film e.V.,” which is supported by the federal ministry for family, seniors, women and youth

The films will be screened publicly in Lübeck on the final day of the festival, on Sunday November 8 at 11:30 am at CineStar 1.

Admission free.