57. Nordic Film Days Lübeck programme screens 180 films – with the main competition including a strong showing from Denmark and Iceland and numerous German co-productions

Lübeck, Oct. 13, 2015. At a press conference today announcing the programme of the 57th Nordic Film Days Lübeck (Nov. 4 - 8, 2015), artistic director Linde Fröhlich and managing director Christian Modersbach were joined by other section curators to introduce the 180 films and numerous special events that make up this year's festival. The narrative film competition comprises 16 films, with a strong showing from Denmark with five films and Iceland with three. The NFL is the largest festival in Europe outside Scandinavia dedicated exclusively to Nordic and Baltic films. The festival is one of the most important events mounted by the city of Lübeck, which once again this year invites audiences and industry visitors to not only enjoy visits to the cinema, but also to check out the numerous special events such as exhibitions, video installations, industry round tables, a master class and an international panel. A special treat this year will be Crisis Cuisine, a festival initiative supported by strong partners that will invite visitors to enjoy a meal with people from crisis regions.

Of particular interest this year is the number of co-productions in the programme. Three films in the main competition (“Land of Mine”, “Dirk Ohm" and "The Fencer") were made with German participation and in the Filmforum, the northern German section, many of the films were made with international partners co-producing. 

Director Grímur Hákonarson, as well as the two lead actors Sigurdur Sigurjónsson and Theódór Júlíusson will be on hand for the Icelandic opening night film “Rams”.  Other guests of the festival will include well-known Danish actor Søren Malling, who plays the role of Martin Olsen in "A War" and will join the director of “The Idealist”, Christina Rosendahl to present the latter film. Also from Iceland the festival welcomes Gunnar Jonsson, who so wonderfully embodies the role of Fúsi in “Virgin Mountain”.  One prominent Finnish guest will be Mika Kaurismäki, who will personally introduce his “The Girl King” in the Specials section, as well as two of his films screening in the Retrospective.

Among the other films that will be drawing invited guests to Lübeck are “2 Nights Till Morning”, “Land of Mine”, “The Fencer”, “Sparrows”, “Dirk Ohm”, “Women in Oversized Men’s Shirts”, “Returning Home” and “Granny’s Dancing on the Table”. Celebrity guests from Germany include Edgar SelgeFranziska Walser and Hermine Huntgeburth.

The characters in the films "A War", "Land of Mine" and "Returning Home" face great challenges, but the search for personal happiness also plays an important role in many of this year's movies, such as “Women in Oversized Men’s Shirts” and “Rosita”.  A vivid imagination is the common thread running through “Dirk Ohm”, “Granny’s Dancing on the Table” and “The Garbage Helicopter”, while love, even at an advanced age, is the focus of “Key House Mirror” and “2 Nights Till Morning”.  

A total of eight prizes will be awarded on November 7, 2015 during the Film Prize Night ceremony in Theater Lübeck. The cinemas CineStar Filmpalast Stadthalle, Kolosseum and Kino Koki will host the screenings for this year's NFL, with special events to be held at a variety of venues, including once again the St. Jakobi and St. Katharine churches.

Press photos from the films showing in the 57th Nordic Film Days Lübeck are available now as downloads in the press section atwww.filmtage.luebeck.de. The screening schedule and additional details on the films and the side-bar programme will also be available starting October 24, 2015 on the festival homepage. Advance ticket sales begin on October 31 at 3:00 pm at the CineStar Filmpalast Stadthalle cinema, online at the festival website and at www.cinestar.de.

In addition to the complete screening schedule, special events are regularly posted at www.filmtage.luebeck.de, and the newest highlights and news can be found on Facebook and twitter.com/nordicfilmdays.

Press contact:
Silke Lehmann
Niko Körner
Antonia Huckle
Press and publicity department
Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Schildstr. 12, 23539 Lübeck, Germany
Tel: +49 451 122 1455