The Strongest - A Tale from the Arctic Sea

In cooperation with the Lübeck Academy of Music, the 57th Nordic Film Days Lübeck will show the Swedish silent film “The Strongest” with live musical improvisation by the academy’s students, under the direction of prof. Franz Danksagmüller, on Friday, Nov. 6, at 7:00 pm in St. Jakobi church.

An outdoor maritime drama that sees two seal hunters compete not only for the catch, but also for the love of the captain’s daughter. 

The musicians: 

Fabian Luchterhandt und Anna Ludwikowska, Organ and Concept

Vera Seedorf, Percussion

Marion Krall, Voice

Laila Nysten, Violine

Conductor and Electronic Music: Franz Danksagmüller


“The Strongest” directed by Alf Sjöberg, Axel Lindblom, S 1929 106’

with live musical improvisation