“Scandinavian Film Series” and preview of “The Day of Northern Germans” as NDR cooperations

Lübeck, 15. October 2012 – As a long-standing media partner of Nordic Film Days Lübeck, the NDR North German Broadcasting Coporation traditionally accompanies the festival with a broadcast of “Skandinavische Filmreihe” (lit: “Scandinavian Film Series”). On the occasion of the 54. festival edition, NDR television is broadcasting altogether 12 outstanding Scandinavian films on eight nights between 27. October and 25. November.They include gripping thrillers and humorous comedies as well as films that dwell on contemporary issues of Scandinavian life. Two of the eight evenings even feature a long night of Scandinavian films. On 27. October 2012, three suspense films are shown as of 11.15pm, including the Danish films HEADHUNTER with Lars Mikkelsen and JUST ANOTHER LOVE STORY (director: Ole Bornedal) as well as the Swedish film EXIT, starring Mads Mikkelsen.

3. November 2012 sees the broadcast of three previous festival winners: the Swedish feature films BEYOND by Pernilla August, starring Noomi Rapace, the star of the “Millenium” crime series (NDR Film Prize 2010), and A RATIONAL SOLUTION, starring Rolf Laasgård and Pernilla August (NDR Film Prize 2009) as well as the Norwegian film THE ART OF NEGATIVE THINKING (NDR Film Prize 2007).

Getting more up-to-date, last year’s Nordic Film Days two-time award winner KING OF DEVIL’S ISLAND (director: Marius Holst) is having its TV premiere on 4. November, and 5. November sees the broadcast of SUPERCLASSICO by Ole Christian Madsen. The “Scandinavian Film Series” on NDR television closes on 25. November 2012 with DEATH SLEEP, an episode from the popular TV series “Maria Wern: Fatal Contamination”.

Nordic Film Days Lübeck is pleased to announce that this year’s festival edition includes an extended cooperation with NDR. On the occasion of the NDR TV event “Der Tag der Norddeutschen” (lit: “The Day of Northern Germans”), which is broadcast on Sunday, 10. November 2012 from 6am to 12pm, the 54. Nordic Film Days Lübeck are showing excerpts from this contemporary document as a preview. On Sunday, 4. November 2012, at 11.30am, festival visitors are given the opportunity to see a one-hour preview of “The Day of Northern Germans” at Kommunales Kino Lübeck (KoKi). After the screening, the documentary’s director, Franziska Stünkel, as well as several protagonists and other guests will be on location in the cinema to discuss topics such as Heimat (lit: home/homeland) and cultural identity. The event is moderated by NDR presenter Julia-Niharika Sen. Admission is free.

“The Day of Northern Germans” is the largest single production by NDR television to date: Throughout 18 hours, 121 people give insight into their lives and everyday surroundings. On 10. November from 6 in the morning to midnight, the audience will learn what all these people experienced on the very same day. NDR television thus gives unique extensive insight into the everyday life and surroundings of the North. Please find further information on “The Day of Northern Germans” and all 121 protagonists at NDR.de/dertag

Please find all programme details and screening times of the 54. Nordic Film Days Lübeck online at www.filmtage.luebeck.de as of 21. October 2012.

Silke Lehmann
Head of Press and Publicity
Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Schildstr. 12, 23539 Lübeck, Germany
T: +49 451 122 1454