NFL Bridges Germany and Scandinavia

From 2nd to 6th November 2011 Nordic Film Days Lübeck is presenting c 130 films from Northern Europe while functioning as a major North German meeting point for the media industry. The renowned film festival takes place for the 53rd time and continues to grow in its significance in bridging the gap between Germany and Scandinavia. And thanks to the broad support by long-standing sponsors and partners, the organization of this year's festival now stands on firm ground.

"Developing the relationship between Germany and Scandinavia is one of our top priorities for the next ten years," says Senator Annette Borns, Head of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck's Department of Cultural Affairs. "Being a strong, supporting cultural pillar, Nordic Film Days Lübeck plays a deciding role in this bridging." Festival Director Christine Berg emphasizes that "while being a very successful audience festival, we will continue to expand the bridging function of the Film Days - whereby we will especially focus on the Nordic Film Market. The organization of Nordic Film Days Lübeck is once again made possible by the broad support of the three festival partners Possehl-Stiftung, Radisson Blu Senator Hotel and DONG Energy. "I am so pleased to know our long-standing partners and sponsors aboard the ship - now we can cast off!" says Christine Berg.

Angela Buske, Managing Director of Nordic Film Days Lübeck, announces some technical novelties for the 53rd festival edition: "A mobile version of our homepage for smartphones and an online display of vacant seats in advance ticket sales will contribute to more user-friendliness." A redesign of the website is also planned.