Media educators vote for Lost Treasure

For the last 28 years, educational seminars have been held parallel to the Nordic Film Days in Lübeck. This year 70 media educators have taken part from all over Germany.

In the category of Best Children’s Film the majority voted for The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar. But since this film already has a German distributor, we recommend an additional film for distribution.

In this film friendship, jealousy and the search for a feeling of self-esteem play an important role. The young performers successfully portray their emotions. The parts of the grandparents show that this process never stops. We therefore recommend the Swedish film Percy, Buffalo Bill & I.

In the Youth Film Category we recommend a film that shows nascent sexuality that is experienced as both enjoyable and threatening. We follow the young characters in their search for warmth and friendship. Our recommendation in the Youth Film Category goes to the Danish film: Triple Dare (Supervoksen).

Both these films add further value to the the vast treasure chest of children’s and youth films from Scandinavia.

5. November