Artikel aus dem Newsletter vom September '98
Articles from the newsletter of September '98

+ Von Dogma und Verbrechen im skandinavischen Spielfilm
Dogma and Crime in Scandinavian Features
+ Filmforum Schleswig-Holstein
Power in the Filmforum
+ Über Künstler, Löwen und Engel
Of Artists, Lions and Angels - Documentaries in Lübeck
+ Großes Kino für die Kids
Big Films for Small Fry
+ Highlights rund um die Filmtage
Highlights round about the Film Days
+ Kurz notiert:
In Brief


For the last five years now the Filmpalast Stadthalle is the meeting place and screening venue of the Nordic Film Days. The northern German parent branch of the Kieft & Kieft Filmtheater group has screens, all of which are equipped with digital sound. The main THX Kino 3 seats 400 spectators, while the other theatres have 200 seats each. "For the festival we are installing additional projection facilities for Betacam SP and Super-VHS in two theatres as well as for 16 mm and Super-8 in others," explains Jan Hammerich, technical director of the Nordic Film Days. Kino 4 serves as the Videobar, where film professionals can view the films on video and producers can arrange special screenings for buyers.