Urbanprojection - Multimediawalks ins Herz der Stadt

Urbanprojection - Multimediawalks ins Herz der StadtUrbanprojection Multimedia walks in the heart of the city


What happens when the social and cultural life of a city is shut down for months on end? What happens to all the musicians, artists, actors, and the people who create an urban social life? Do they just accept being idle? And what happens to a city that draws its vitality from the energy of those people? Does it become an open-air museum empty of visitors?
The UrbanProjection collective investigated those questions and made some 50 short documentary and narrative films. They are about people who remained culturally and socially active during that time, despite all the difficulties.
During the Multi-media Walks, an exciting selection of those cinematic snapshots will be brought to life by being projected on to the facades of the places where they were made. The people behind the walls will appear both virtually and in person and talk about what moves them. And what moves them moves us – because they are the heartbeat of the city.

Multi-media Walks is funded by the municipal Kulturbüro of Lübeck.

Additional information at www.urbanprojection.de.
The multi-media city tours depart as follows:
Friday, Nov. 5, 7 pm, (Grüne) Beckergrube 23
Saturday, Nov. 6, 7 pm, Aegidienkirchhof 1–3, 23552 Lübeck
Participation is free of charge.

catalogue page PDF-Download


No screenings are available for this film.