Children´s and Youth Films, Denmark 2021, 30 Min., dan. OV, engl. st, 16 years and older

Liv has the same desires as other teenagers. But, sometimes, her mind gets stuck on thoughts that she doesn’t want and can’t get rid of. As if her mouth were suddenly full of bugs. That’s why she’s so aloof during the water fight on the schoolyard, or while drinking beer in the park in the evening. When she meets Anna and they tenderly begin to get closer, she finds herself facing new challenges.

Director Tone Ottilie

Screenplay Clara Mendes, Tone Ottilie

Producer Asser Bo Paludan

Production Company National Film School of Denmark, Theodor Christensen Plads 1, 1437 Kopenhagen, Mail: infoz@filmskolen.dk, Web: www.filmskolen.dk

Cast Boy Ewald (Liv), Anna Zerbib Streitz (Anna), Jens Albinus (Vater)

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