Flying Potato and Other Misunderstandings

Flying Potato and Other Misunderstandings

Nordic Shorts, Finland 2021, 14 Min., fr., engl., fin. OV, engl. st

The filmmaker relates her vision for directing a neo-Western in grainy, transitory images. She imagines that the greatest hurdle her protagonists, Yassine and Hami, will have to face will be the friendly but firm rejection of Finnish society. When violence on the imaginary frontier escalates in the form of a flying potato, the ‘fictitious’ figures begin to speak about their real experiences.

Director Elina Oikari

Screenplay Elina Oikari

Producer Hannu-Pekka Vitikainen

Production Company Zone2 Pictures Oy, Toinen Linja 15, 00530 Helsinki, Mail:, Web:

Festival Contact AV-ARKKIThe Centre for Finnish Media Art, Tallberginkatu 1 C 76, 00180 Helsinki, Web:

Cast Sophie-Catherine Gallet (Filmemacherin), Christelle Ighniades (Freundin), Hami Bahadori, Yassine Khaled

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