De Rasande

De RasandeDie Aufgebrachten / The Enraged Ones

Children´s and Youth Films, Finland 2020, 19 Min., sw. OV, engl. st, 14 years and older

A group of high school students are busy planning the play they’re putting on, when a rumour breaks out in the cafeteria that a classmate has tried to commit suicide. The theatre clique reacts with scorn and hysteria to the news about the misfit … A confidently-directed study of group dynamics and the ostracism they can engender.

Director Malin Nyqvist

Screenplay Malin Nyqvist

Producer Mikael Syrjälä

Production Company AALTO UNIVERSITY School of Arts, Design and ArchitectureELO Film School HelsinkiFilm Festival Office, Hämeentie 135 C, 00560 Helsinki, Web:

Cast Peik von Essen (Mio), Amanda Soini (Issa), Willjam Fagerström (Robin), Frida Hindsberg (Lo), Selma af Schultén (Alaa)

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