Zorg II

Zorg II

Nordic Shorts, Estonia 2019, 22 Min., no dialogue

From the Milky Way to Hollywood Boulevard – an alien comes to Earth to start a career as a movie star in sci-fi blockbusters. But meanwhile, a killer is on his heels ... Produced by Priit and Olga Pärn, this animated collage of drawings, photos, caricatures, and catalogue cuttings takes the mickey out of Hollywood stereotypes.

Director Auden Lincoln-Vogel

Screenplay Auden Lincoln-Vogel

Producer Olga Pärn, Priit Pärn

Production Company Eesti Kunstiakadeemia / Estonian Academy of Arts, Põhja pst 7, 10412 Tallinn, Web: www.artun.ee


catalogue page PDF-Download


No screenings are available for this film.