
MetsäjättiDer Waldriese / Forest Giant

Competition Narrative Films, Finland 2020, 88 Min., fin. OV, engl. st

Pasi, son of an alcoholic from Törmälä, has made it. He’s the department manager for an international lumber company. One day he’s sent back to his hometown to sack a number of workers in the plywood factory there. The next step up the career ladder beckons as a reward. But a tip from his childhood friend Janne gives him another idea. Building a railroad could make the factory more profitable. To realise the plan, Pasi makes Janne a politician. Yet as soon as the election’s been won, company headquarters makes a decision that costs Pasi his hard-earned new standing in Törmälä … It’s heavy metal against a global player. Director Ville Jankeri has added elements of a buddy film to his realistic working-world drama. But the central question is what really counts in life, climbing the social ladder or solidarity.

Director Ville Jankeri

Screenplay Ville Jankeri, Timo Turunen, nach dem Roman von Miika Nousiainen

Producer Jukka Helle, Risto Salomaa, Markus Selin

Production Company Solar Films Oy, Veneentekijäntie 2, 00210 Helsinki, Web:

Festival Contact The Finnish Film Foundation, Kanavakatu 12, 00160 Helsinki, Mail:, Web:

Cast Jussi Vatanen (Pasi), Hannes Suominen (Janne), Tomi Alatalo (Mauno), Sara Soulié (Linda), Anu Sinisalo (Katariina), Tommi Korpela (Virtasalmi), Anna-Riikka Rajanen (Tiina)


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