Meren uumen

Meren uumenThe Embrace of the Ocean

Fulldome, Finland 2019, 37 Min., engl. Version

A filmic expedition to discover the extraordinary diversity of life in our oceans. From the microscopic, single-celled organisms that form the basis of life on Earth, we travel across the globe, visiting the coral reefs of Indonesia and the tropical waters of Tonga, diving deep into the oceanic night and exploring one of the largest brackish water basins on the planet – the Baltic Sea.

Director Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen

Screenplay Juha Matias Lehtonen

Producer Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen

Production Company Leading Note Pictures

Cast Jonathan Hutchings (Kommentar)

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No screenings are available for this film.