
KielergataKieler Straße / Kieler Street E1&2

Series, Norway 2018, 10 x 45 Min., norw. OV, engl. st

The former felon Jonas insinuates himself as a full-fledged member of the community in the safest city in Norway. Wife, daughter, house, job, and barbecues – it's all possible thanks to a new identity. But only almost … When he finds out that someone is poking around in his life and collecting information about him, his new existence threatens to fall apart. In flash-forwards and flashbacks, we follow Jonas as he tries to save what is important to him – a normal, peaceful life among normal, peaceful people who leave each other alone. Appearances are deceiving, however, for behind the curtains of the cosy world of Kieler Street, Jonas' neighbours are also completely busy covering up their own criminal pasts. A multi-duel under the sun of Slusvik: whoever blinks first loses.

Series Creator Jesper Sundnes, Stig Frode Henriksen

Director Patrick Syversen, Cecilie A. Mosli

Producer Anne Kolbjørnsen, Ole Marius Araldsen

Production Company Anagram Norge A/S, Mail:, Web:

Cast Thorbjørn Harr (Jonas), Andrea Bræin Hovig (Elin), Ylva Fuglerud (Sofie)


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