

Filmforum, Germany / Romania 2019, 154 Min., rom. OV, dt. st, FSK 0

An exorbitantly growing mycelium. The star-filled sky above the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. The first two images stake out the dimensions of “Olanda” – details and fine structures on the one side, constellations and the big picture on the other. At the centre of these extremes is the region’s seasonal commodity – the mushroom. Amongst the local residents, the harvesters are closest to it and the film focuses especially on them: on treks through the forest, in their tent camps, on car trips, and in conversation. From there, the film follows the rhizomic outgrowths that branch out and branch again in the form of products and money. The film tells the story of these trade cycles and economic structures, but is also a sensuous documentation of the everyday rhythm in the forest and how the mushroom harvesters experience it – as the first link in a much larger chain of exploitation.

Director Bernd Schoch

Screenplay Andre Siegers, Bernd Schoch

Producer Frank Scheuffele, Karsten Krause

Production Company fuenferfilmKrause & Scheuffele GbR, Mail: mail@fuenferfilm.de, Web: www.fuenferfilm.de

Distributor Arsenal - Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V., Mail: mail@arsenal-berlin.de, Web: www.arsenal-berlin.de

Cast Ileana Mănicea, Valentin Constantin Mănicea, Marian Mărunțelu, Marius Siminel Mărunțelu

Website www.olanda-film.de


catalogue page PDF-Download


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