Born for Korn

Born for Korn

Filmforum, Germany 2019, 80 Min., ger., low ger. OV, ger. st

With each passing generation, the number of family-run farms in Germany declines by half. Many get swallowed by the large industrialised farms that are now responsible for almost two-thirds of the nation's arable land. A centuries-old tradition is in danger of dying out. The Sierck family farm in northern Geest, now in its fourth generation, is one of those small businesses fearing for their future. Father Jörn farms the land and tends the cows, while his wife Gunda is responsible for the farm's on-site dairy business. Now the two eldest sons want to take over the farm, despite all the challenges. With great entrepreneurial spirit, the parents set out to restructure the farm in the hope that in the future two families will also be able to make a living from the small business.

Director Elmar Szücs, Rainer Heesch, Niclas Middleton

Producer Rainer Heesch

Cast Arne Sierck, Jörn Sierck, Gunda Sierck, Malte Sierck

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