An der Bruchkante – Imker in Mecklenburg

An der Bruchkante – Imker in MecklenburgOn the Fault Line: Beekeepers in Mecklenburg

Filmforum, Germany 2019, 128 Min., ger. OV

The filmmaker, who has kept bees herself since childhood, follows the daily working life of beekeepers in the countryside of West Mecklenburg. Beekeeping is endangered not only by climate change and industrialised farming, but also by issues such as rural exodus, dying villages, ecotourism, and land grabbing, all of which play a role in a rural culture of survival that is ever more in danger of vanishing. On-location footage is combined with scenes from a rehearsal of theatre director Armin Petras' staging of Heiner Müller's “The Resettled Woman” with a cast of beekeepers, farmers, and actors. The play, which was initially banned in East Germany due to its critique of agricultural reforms, has parallels to today's problems. The film is a polyphonic essay on the creativity of the area's remaining inhabitants, and the rural living experiences.

Director Anne Andersen

Screenplay Anne Andersen

Producer Anne Andersen

Cast Armin Petras, Anja Schneider, Ute Kämpfer, Amos Detscher, Mervan Ürkmez, Marlene Eiberger, Christoph Götz, Britta Stützer, Adam Pultz-Melbye


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