Kad lietus un vēji sitas logā

Kad lietus un vēji sitas logāWenn Regen und Wind ans Fenster klopfen / When Rain and Wind Knock at the Window

Retrospective, Latvia 1967, 94 Min., latv. OV, engl. st

Two years after the end of World War II, the exile Leinasar returns from Sweden to his home country of Latvia. He wants to make contact with a group called the “forest brothers”, Latvian partisans who are fighting underground against Soviet rule. But all of Leinasar’s efforts are destined to fail, because the KGB has long since had him in its sights … The machinations of western spies who had crossed the Baltic to infiltrate the eastern Baltic rim states was the subject of many Eastern European crime thrillers. The 1959 Estonian espionage film “Uninvited Guests” was one of those, as was “Rendezvous with a Spy” (dir: Jan Batory), made in Poland in 1964. But the subject was most extensively tackled by East German director Frank Beyer, who dedicated two episodes of his five-part TV series “Rottenknechte” (1971), setting it among the German navy in the waning days of the war.

Director Aloizs Brenčs

Screenplay Emīls Braginskis, Osvalds Kublanovs, nach dem Roman von Arvīds Grigulis

Producer Augusts Pētersons

World Sales Latvia State Archive of Audiovisual Documents, Mail: lvkffda@arhivi.gov.lv, Web: www.arhivi.lv

Festival Contact Latvian Academy of Culture - Riga Film Museum Mail: kinomuzejs@kinomuzejs.lv, Web: www.kinomuzejs.lv

Cast Harijs Liepiņš (Leinasars), Eduards Pāvuls (Karnītis), Lilita Ozoliņa (Velta), Juris Pļaviņš (Fredis), Artūrs Dimiters (Teišs), Uldis Pūcītis (Pakrastiņš)

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