2:a klass

2:a klass2. Klasse / 2nd Class

Children´s and Youth Films, Sweden 2018, 14 Min., sw. OV, engl. st, 14 years and older

Charlotte takes up a new job teaching second grade. One evening shortly thereafter, she runs into a right-wing gathering and is injured by one of the neo-Nazis. When she is released from the hospital, she realizes that the man’s son, Anton, is one of her students … Together with its protagonist, the film provides some healing lessons for hatemongers.

Director Jimmy Olsson

Screenplay Jimmy Olsson

Producer Jimmy Olsson, Petter Selvehed, Ville Olin, Christian Kielberg

Production Company Makeriet AB, Mail: info@makerietfilm.se, Web: www.makerietfilm.se

World Sales Gonella Productions, Mail: contact@gonellaproductions.com, Web: www.gonella-productions.com

Festival Contact aug&ohr medien, Mail: film@augohr.de, Web: www.augohr.de

Cast Hanna Davidson (Charlotte), Mio Adermark (Anton), Jimmy Olsson (Nazi)


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