Jēkabs, Mimi un runājošie suņi

Jēkabs, Mimi un runājošie suņiJakob, Mimmi und die sprechenden Hunde / Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs

Children´s and Youth Films, Latvia / Polen 2019, 70 Min., latv. OV, engl. st, ger. voice over, 5 years and older

Jacob is not the least bit happy to be spending a week with relatives in the suburbs. He wants to be an architect, like his busy father, so he loves big buildings. He’s not terribly impressed by his cousin Mimmi’s treehouse in the woods of the Maskačka suburb. But then he finds out the trees are slated to be cleared to make way for a skyscraper. Inspired by Mimmi, Jacob also starts fighting to save them. They are supported in battle by a gang of stray dogs, with not even John, George, Paul, and Ringo being the most oddball of the lot. Not only that, but it turns out they can talk … based on the successful children’s book “Dog Town” by Luīze Pastore, the film is a charming plea for biodiversity and the preservation of alternative habitats, and simultaneously an homage on the historical Riga district of Maskačka.

Director Edmunds Jansons

Screenplay Līga Gaisa, nach dem Kinderbuch „Dog Town“ von Luīze Pastore

Producer Sabine Andersone

Production Company Atom Art, Mail: ieva@atomart.lv, Web: www.atomart.lv

World Sales New Europe Film Sales, Mail: festivals@neweuropefilmsales.com, Web: www.neweuropefilmsales.com

Cast Andris Keišs (Boss), Nora Džumā (Mimmi), Eduards Olekts (Jakob), Gatis Gāga (Ērglis), Kaspars Znotiņš (Tētis), Dāvis Ozols (Rock und Roll)

Website www.talkingdogs.lv


catalogue page PDF-Download


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