Hölmö nuori sydän

Hölmö nuori sydänStupid Young Heart

Children´s and Youth Films, Finland / The Netherlands / Sweden 2018, 102 Min., fin. OV. engl. UT, 14 years and older

Kiira is 15 and pregnant. And she won’t have an abortion this time. Lenni was just a boy she met at a party, but now the two teenagers, who both still live with their single mothers, plan to start their own family. Kiira is more convinced than Lenni that it’s the right thing to do. In order to bolster his self-confidence, the slight, shy boy joins a martial arts group that, as it turns out, is made up of right-wing extremists. That leads to tension, and not only with Kiira’s friends. As Kiira is taken to the delivery room, the father-to-be is under arrest … This intense film about teenage parents in a social flashpoint neighbourhood of Helsinki won the Crystal Bear at the 2019 Berlinale. The director combines his observation of the milieu with a warning about radical right-wing groups, saying “they exploit the fact that young people want to belong”.

Director Selma Vilhunen

Screenplay Kirsikka Saari

Producer Elli Toivoniemi, Venla Hellstedt

Production Company Tuffi Films Ltd., Mail: tuffi@tuffifilms.com, Web: www.tuffifilms.com

World Sales The Yellow Affair, Mail: contact@yellowaffair.com, Web: www.yellowaffair.com

Cast Jere Ristseppä (Lenni), Rosa Honkonen (Kiira), Abshir Sheikh Nur (Abdi), Pihla Viitala (Ansku), Ville Haapasalo (Janne)


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