Tintus und der KillerklecksTintus and the Killer Inkblot

Children´s and Youth Films, Germany 2019, 3 Min., no dialogue, 4 years and older

A stick figure is being threatened by an evil, blue inkblot. After a fierce fight, the figure manages to tame the blot. Everything seems fine at first, but then a new challenger comes to the fore … A cartoon adventure that may look like something scribbled in a school notebook but that actually reveals great skill and expertise.

Director Michael Zamjatnins

Screenplay Susanne Ziebell-Zamjatnins

Producer Michael Zamjatnins

Production Company Michael Zamjatnins-Animationsfilm, Mail: info@scribble-and-more.de, Web: www.scribble-and-more.de

catalogue page PDF-Download


No screenings are available for this film.