Ternet Ninja

Ternet NinjaDer karierte Ninja / Checkered Ninja

Children´s and Youth Films, Denmark / Estonia 2018, 82 Min., dan. OV, engl. st, ger. voice over, 12 years and older

A Danish toy manufacturer is responsible for the death of a little boy in a Thai sweatshop – he shouldn't be allowed to go unpunished! With energy and perseverance, a revenge-driven ninja doll made from the man's chequered cashmere scarf clings to the unscrupulous businessman's heels. For assistance, the doll turns to the Danish seventh-grader Alex, a shy boy suffering at the hands of an abrasive stepbrother and a school bully. But the little ninja warrior has to overcome some pretty high hurdles before Alex is ready to stand up to his two adversaries or help justice be served in Thailand … This rousing animated "buddy movie" is packed with great hip-hop and martial arts segments. The sophomore effort of the "Terkel in Trouble" team broke old box office records in Denmark.

Director Anders Matthesen, Thorbjørn Christoffersen

Screenplay Anders Matthesen, nach seinem Kinderbuch

Producer Trine Heidegaard, Anders Mastrup

Production Company A. FILM A/S, Mail: mail@afilm.dk, Web: www.afilm.com

World Sales LevelK ApS, Mail: niklas@levelk.dk, Web: www.levelk.dk

Festival Contact Danish Film Institute, Mail: dfi@dfi.dk, Web: www.dfi.dk

Cast Alfred Bjerre Larsen (Aske), Emma Sehested Høeg (Jessica), Anders Matthesen (die anderen Rollen)


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