Det viktigaste nu är att må dåligt

Det viktigaste nu är att må dåligtDas Wichtigste ist jetzt, sich schlecht zu fühlen / What’s Important Now Is to Feel Bad

Nordic Shorts, Sweden 2018, 5 Min., sw. OV, engl. st

During an informational meeting for the unemployed, a speaker reveals to the participants the spirit and purpose of the industrial army reserves that they now belong to … A brief lesson about capital in the 21st century, loosely based on the ideas of Karl Marx.

Director Björn Perborg

Screenplay Björn Perborg

Producer Björn Perborg

Festival Contact aug&ohr medien, Mail:, Web:

Cast Eric Rusch (Dozent), Anders Almgren, Christina Nilsson, Kico Madsen, Samira Motazedi (Arbeitslose)


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