
KeuliminenFreie Fahrt / Ride of Passage

Nordic Shorts, Finland 2019, 7 Min., fin. OV, engl. st

This atmospheric and loud montage shows large groups of young men thundering over country roads on mopeds or off-road motorcycles, gathering on summer nights for some illegal racing. These young men are chasing their dreams. They do not want to turn out like their fathers.

Director Katri Myllyniemi, Vilja Autiokyrö

Screenplay Katri Myllyniemi, Vilja Autiokyrö

Producer Mete Sasioglu

Festival Contact The Finnish Film Foundation, Mail:, Web:

Cast Jerry Koivuluoma, Teemu Puro, Aku Vihmaa, Stefano Ruvituso, Jami Karvonen

catalogue page PDF-Download


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