Kelionės namo

Kelionės namoHeim ins Traumland / Back to the Dreamland

Competition Documentaries, Lithuania 2019, 57 Min., engl., lith OV, engl. st

Whether based on their own memories, or stories told by others, most of the Lithuanians who emigrated to the US after 1945 imagined their homeland to be a dreamland, where their culture and tradition were lovingly cultivated. So they experienced huge culture shock when the first visits “home” in the 1950s took them to a communist country … Family memory and contemporary history pervade the stories told by old and young Lithuanian Americans, who talk about KGB eavesdropping, but also about delicious pyramid cakes. For some of them, however, a return to the United States is a nightmare – because in some cases militant anti-communists accuse them of cosying up to the Soviets. The spirited reminiscences are well illustrated with a variety of historical film footage, private family photographs, Super 8 film, and videos.

Director Ramunė Rakauskaitė

Screenplay Ramunė Rakauskaitė

Producer Algimantė Matelienė, Arunas Matelis

Production Company Studio Nominum, Mail:, Web:

Cast Kornelijus Jazbutis, Daina Cyvas, Petras Kisielius, Teresa Boguta, Indre Vepstas, Henrieta Vepstas, Birute, Vytautas Zalatorius


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