Den Andre Munch

Den Andre MunchDer andere Munch / The Other Munch

Specials, Norway 2018, 48 Min., norw., engl. OV, engl. st

Since his “My Struggle” (2009-2011) book series was first published, Karl Ove Knausgård has been considered Norway’s most important contemporary writer. His books are as much discussed as his selection of art for the 2017 Munch exhibition. Knausgård made a surprising decision to showcase works that had rarely, or never, been displayed before – most from the artist’s later years. A previously “unknown” Munch was revealed, opening up a new perspective on arguably the most important painter of the early 20th century Scandinavian avant-garde. For eight months, directors Emil and Joachim Trier accompanied the curator as he visited well-known Munch sites and roamed the vast storerooms of the Munch museum. The result is a cinematic curator’s tour of the art, with Knausgård laying bare his very personal relationship to Edvard Munch and the criteria he used in choosing the works.

Director Emil Trier, Joachim Trier

Producer Nicolai Moland, Thomas Robsahm

Production Company Don't Look Now

Cast Karl Ove Knausgård, Joachim Trier, Stian Grøgaard, Kari Brandtzæg

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