
SpionenDie Spionin / The Spy

Competition Narrative Films, Norway / Sweden / Belgium 2019, 105 Min., norw., sw., ger., engl. OV, engl. st

The Norwegian actress Sonja Wigert (1913-1980) has long been resented in her homeland for getting a little too close to the German occupiers. It did not become public until 2006 that she was actually tasked by the Swedish secret service with spying on the country’s highest Nazi officer, Reich Commissioner Josef Terboven. Initially, she balks at Terboven's advances, preferring to start an affair with the Hungarian attaché Andor Gellert. Only after Terboven has her father arrested is Sonja Wigert ready to become the German's lover. She wants to free her father and at the same time obtain material for the Swedish secret agent Akrell about a spy active in Sweden under the alias “Maria” … “The Spy” conveys contemporary history in an exciting way – with an outstanding and differentiated portrayal of the complex title heroine by Ingrid Bolsø Berdal.

Director Jens Jonsson

Screenplay Harald Rosenløw Eeg, Jan Trygve Røyneland, nach der Biografie von Iselin Teien

Producer Håkon Øverås, Turid Øversveen, Karin Julsrud, Catho Bach Christensen

Production Company 4 1/2 Fiksjon AS - Four and a Half, Mail: mailbox@fourandahalf.no, Web: www.fourandahalf.no

World Sales TrustNordisk ApS, Mail: info@trustnordisk.com, Web: www.trustnordisk.com

Cast Ingrid Bolsø Berdal (Sonja Wigert), Rolf Lassgård (Thorsten Akrell), Damien Chapelle (Andor Gellert), Alexander Scheer (Josef Terboven), Erik Hivju (Sigvald Hansen)


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