
HéraðiðThe County

Competition Narrative Films, Iceland / Denmark / Germany / France 2019, 90 Min., icel. OV, engl. st / ger. st

After the death of her husband, the dairy farmer Inga learns that her husband played an ignoble role at the local cooperative. He had been forced by the leadership to denounce colleagues who conducted trade outside the association. When Inga takes to Facebook to publicise the dictatorial machinations of the co-op's leader, Eyolfur, and then also speaks on television of a "cooperative mafia", the neighbours react with silence or nocturnal attacks. Only with stubborn determination can Inga gather together a few dairy farmers to form an independent cooperative. Eyolfur, however, proves to be a powerful opponent ... Following his successful film "Rams" (NFL 2015), director Grímur Hákonarson has now created yet another cinematic monument to the obstinacy of his landsmen in this highly charged tragicomedy.

The Screenings on october 30th and november 2nd at Kolosseum as well as on november 3rd at CineStar 5 will be with german subtitles.

Director Grímur Hákonarson

Screenplay Grímur Hákonarson

Producer Grímar Jónsson

Production Company Netop Films, Mail: grimar@netopfilms.com, Web: www.netopfilms.com

World Sales New Europe Film Sales, Mail: festivals@neweuropefilmsales.com, Web: www.neweuropefilmsales.com

Distributor Alamode Film, Mail: info@alamodefilm.de, Web: www.alamodefilm.de

Cast Arndís Hrönn Egilsdóttir (Inga), Sigurður Sigurjónsson (Eyjólfur), Sveinn Ólafur Gunnarsson (Friðgeir), Hinrik Ólafsson (Reynir), Hannes Óli Ágústsson (Leifur), Edda Björg Eyjóflsdóttir (Kolbrún)


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