Tower Music

Tower Music

Events, Germany 2018

Invited to create a new work for Nordische Filmtage, Danish film composers Søs Gunver Ryberg and Frans Bak are also bringing organist and trombonist Mia Birch Engsager:

Sounds from the tower of Aegidienkirche are processed and presented along with live trombone, organ and piano. Electronica will melt together with your own voices - as you are asked to sing along with the coral, "Now We Ask the Holy Ghost", from the Danish baroque composer Dietrich Buxtehude and thereby celebrating common Danish-German musical history: Buxtehude had a great career in Lübeck and, among other things, he was a source of inspiration for J. S. Bach. So much so that Bach went on foot all the way from Arnstadt to Lübeck to meet Buxtehude - and stayed there for three months to learn from him.


No screenings are available for this film.