Grönland – wo Eisberge am Küchenfenster vorbeiziehen

Grönland – wo Eisberge am Küchenfenster vorbeiziehenGreenland – Where Icebergs Float Past Your Kitchen Window

Fulldome, Germany, 4 Min., ger. Version

Spikes of ice are protruding out of the water, and wherever you look the snow-white countryside never seems to end. The Arctic climate is extremely demanding on the Greenlanders. But it does make their lives unique, for that which is true of the eternal ice is equally so for Greenland: This uniqueness is not that which we see at first glance. The 360° film permits the audience to experience Greenland – without getting the slightest bit cold.

Director Maria Menzel, intoVR

Producer Maria Menzel

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