La sombra de un dios

La sombra de un diosSchatten eines Gottes / La sombra de un dios - A God's Shadow

Filmforum, Germany / Austria / Mexiko 2017, 20 Min., span. OV, engl. st

A barren hill country in Mexico where the Huicholes live their isolated lives is shown in grainy black and white shots. Chon looks silently at the camera while his off-screen voice is telling a dreadful story. While high on peyote, Chon’s cousin believed he was a god. This “god” captured forty people, friends and family, and then committed a horrible blood bath.

Director Bernhard Hetzenauer

Screenplay Bernhard Hetzenauer

Producer Marko Mijatovic, Bernhard Hetzenauer, Antonio V. Moldovan

Cast Ascención Carrillo Gonzalez, Anita Ramos Alhumada

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