Es ist Zeit. Der Maler Klaus Fußmann

Es ist Zeit. Der Maler Klaus FußmannIt's Time. The Painter Klaus Fussmann

Filmforum, Germany 2018, 68 Min., ger. OV

"No other painter is more responsible for the idyllic image of northern Germany’s coastal and hill country landscapes than Klaus Fussmann, and he is rightly considered the father of plein air painting in the north. Yet Fussmann’s painting style was often stark and abstract, and his colours were not always pale. In his early work, Fussmann depicted profoundly melancholic people. Despite that, Fussmann’s painting exerts an enthralling, almost magical atmosphere. His watercolours of flowers from the Geltinger Gardens are among the most brilliant of their kind and in great demand among collectors. The film’s title “It’s Time” refers to the fact that, for Klaus Fussmann, it was always the time to find the exact form and content for a painting that satisfied his view of the world as an artist. And now, at 80 years old, the time has arrived for a new style."

Director Wilfried Hauke

Screenplay Wilfried Hauke

Producer Christian Berg

Cast Klaus Fußmann, Barbara Fußmann, Thomas Gädeke

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