Khello Brüder

Khello BrüderKhello Brothers

Filmforum, Germany 2018, 76 Min., ger. OV

Two brothers from Aleppo, the one a journalist, the other an artist, meet again in Germany after having been separated for three years. Tarek arrived with his family as a contingent refugee in 2013. Not knowing the language, he was initially unemployed. He struggled through and is now successfully working at his job. After months on the run, Zakwan arrived worn out and depressed in Germany in 2015. His artistic life’s work was lost in Aleppo’s hail of bombs. Only 17 of his pictures made it to Germany. He took up his work again but lost his love for colour and processes his experiences in broody charcoal drawings. The small community in which Zakwan lives lovingly accommodates him and paves him a way. With an impressive exhibition, the artist gives something very special back to his supporters.

Director Hille Norden

Producer Hille Norden

Cast Zakwan Khello, Tarek Khello



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