Von Bienen und Blumen

Von Bienen und BlumenThe Bees and the Birds

Filmforum, Germany 2017, 96 Min., ger. OV, engl. st

Lola Randi decides to move to the countryside with her husband, Philipp, the children and good friends. They buy an old and run-down market garden as well as chicken, pigs, sheep and vegetables and then start full of vim and vigour. Soon, a lover shows up as well. His name is Bernd and he immediately joins the work in the garden. Lola finds that modern people should be able to handle that. And while they are at it, they might just throw in some couple’s therapy into the mix as well. Her husband doesn’t quite agree. When Bernd buys the house diagonally across from them in the village, even the garden project’s beekeeper says that this is too close for comfort now. The long-established villagers are usually just incredulously watching these specialists in beautiful failure and they are joined by a sociology grad student who scientifically categorizes the whole thing with analytical post-capitalistic commentaries.

Director Lola Randl

Screenplay Lola Randl

Producer Henning Kamm

Cast Philipp Pfeiffer, Bernd Fraunholz, Lola Randl, Sonja Fröhlich, Renate Raase, Heinrich Raase, Dominic Wernowsky, Dieter Obrembski, Johanna Häger, Erika Mayr

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