Zew morza

Zew morzaDer Ruf des Meeres / The Call of the Sea

Retrospective, Poland 1927, 119 Min., silent, engl. it

"Stach is 12 years old, the son of a miller, who dreams of travelling the oceans. When he grows into a young man, he can finally answer the call of the sea. He signs on as an officer on large sailing freighter – and falls in love with Jola, the daughter of shipowner van Loos, with whom he is scheduled to go into partnership. But when Stach returns to his village to get his parents’ blessing for the marriage, he has a fateful encounter with his childhood sweetheart Hanka. On top of that, Stach has to deal with Rudolf Minke, the leader of a smuggling ring. As part of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, Poland was given a 74-kilometre stretch of Baltic coast. The exteriors for “Call of the Sea” were shot in Danzig, Gdynia, and Puck, with the participation of the Polish navy. It was Poland’s first maritime film, an adventurous love story with a tumultuous, stirring plot.

Conservation and digitisation of the pre-war feature films at the National Film Archive in Warsaw“ , a project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the Priority XI „Culture and Cultural Heritage“ of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme."

Director Henryk Szaro

Screenplay Stefan Kiedrzyński

Producer Władysław Markiewicz, Maria Hirszbein

Cast Jerzy Marr (Stach), Marja Malicka (Hanka), Nora Ney (Jola), Antoni Bednarczyk (Van Loos), Stefan Szwarc (Rudolf Minke)


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