Kire lained

Kire lainedWellen der Leidenschaft / Waves of Passion

Retrospective, Estonia / Germany 1930, 88 Min., silent, estn., germ., russ. it

Brazilian journalist Rex Ronney is gathering data for his book on Nordic alcohol smuggling and embarks on a boat trip to Estonia and Finland, where liquor is prohibited. On the boat, he meets the booze king Kölgis, winning over the latter’s trust. Kölgis sends him with a personal recommendation to the smuggler Bratt in Tallinn, who is in the service of Mart Martens, who in turn is heavily indebted to Kölgis. In order to clear her father‘s debts, Mart’s daughter Betty runs the alcohol smuggling herself. When Rex Ronney shows up, there are consequences... “Waves of Passion” is a gripping Baltic Sea adventure. It was shot on location on the Estonian coast near Loksa, Võsu, and Käsmu, in the park at Tallinn’s Maarjamäe castle, as well as in a Berlin film studio.

Director Wladimir Gaidarow

Screenplay Curt J. Braun, Heinz Fischer

Producer Wladimir Gaidarow

Cast Wladimir Gaidarow (Rex Ronney), Raymondo van Riel (Mart Martens), Ita Rina (Betty Martens), Fritz Greiner (Kölgis)

Trailer n.v.

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